Open Day Workshop – Local Data Processing Produces Happier Milk

Join us for Local Data Processing Produces Happier Milk – a workshop by NORD Drivesystems during Open IIoT’s Open Day.

This workshop explores how ST code can be used to programme variable frequency drives and read sensor data, to produce a timed machine operation.
We’ll explore a recent case study, which saw NORD’s two-stage NORDBLOC.1 helical gearboxes paired with the NORDAC BASE VFDs, in the build of automated cow grooming brushes. These are becoming more common in dairies, as they provide dairy cows with
enrichment (and in turn, improve milk production).

• Programme the VFD using ST code
• Read sensor data and produce a timed machine operation
• Discuss specific topics relating to drive near data processing and more!


RSVP HERE TODAY  or contact [email protected]

Hourly Schedule

New Day


29 08 2024


11:00 am - 11:30 am


Beckhoff Automation Victoria Headquarters
Building 4, 163–179 Forster Road, Mount Waverley, VIC 3149.

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