KUKA iiQoT: One platform for all robots


Big Data for monitoring, visualization and troubleshooting

What condition is your robot in? How efficiently is it working? And what about the entire robot fleet at your company? KUKA iiQoT has an eye on all the condition data: from hardware to software and on to the controller. This central platform leverages the advantages of the Industrial Internet of Things and bundles the data of a complete robot fleet transparently and clearly in one dashboard. Manufacturers can now gain access to live data from anywhere around the clock.

The most important functions include systems management, preventive maintenance, and fault detection with in-built warning messages. Instead of simply visualizing raw data, KUKA’s platform delivers supplementary orientation parameters, enabling messages to be easily interpreted and faults efficiently rectified.

The IIoT-platform, implemented by KUKA subsidiary Device Insights, is suitable for small and large fleets – and paves the way for the Smart Factory of the future.

For more information, check out the video below.